HomeBlogSmall Business TipsBD-Card the best Digital Business Card for Freelancers

BD-Card the best Digital Business Card for Freelancers

Over the past few years, the number of freelance workers has increased dramatically. Whatever the outcome regarding hiring, work still needs to be done, and in 2023, about 80% of employers hired freelancers.

Contract and freelance employment is a win-win situation for all parties. The contractor has the authority to manage their availability, hours worked, and compensation scale. They can work from anywhere, including their couch, a coffee shop, or the beach, as they are not restricted to working at a set time or location.

Given the rapid rise in the number of independent contractors, it’s important to think about how to network and nurture leads in the best possible way. Continue reading to find out why switching to a digital business card is the best course of action for independent contractors who presently use traditional business cards.

As a freelancer, why would you choose a digital business card?

For a long time, traditional business cards have been the only option available, but are they still necessary for independent contractors? We believe they don’t.

Sixty-one percent of independent contractors offer two or three services. For instance, a self-employed writer and photographer may also offer social media material, animation, and editing. What about the independent writer who designs websites and conducts marketing?

These types of positions are difficult to describe on a 3.5″ x 2″ card. Enter your digital business card.

These web cards allow freelancers to define their work in a more concise manner while also providing links to their services. The Digitial Business Card (DB-Card) allows you to sell products and services.
In addition to services, they can provide links to social media, WhatsApp, galleries, work products, and other resources. While freelancers can use QR codes, they only link to one outlet.

The digital business card (DB-Card) allows for many cards, which is ideal for case-by-case use. Can use for birthday card invitations, Celebrations etc. A journalist attending a company launch press event can distribute a ready-made digital card highlighting their prior company’s publications before switching to their content production card for lunch with a possible client the following day.

This type of adaptable, digital instrument provides the versatility that a freelancer requires. Carrying many standard paper cards would not be nearly as effective.

For freelancers, the best digital business card is the Digital Business Card (BD-Card) to Subscribe click this link ->https://live.businessid.io

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